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I M SIkh Movie

9 Feb

A decade after the 9/11 tragedy, when the terror aftermath has become a done-to-death premise in films, actor-director Puneet Issar wakes up to find new ways to exploit the plot to his advantage. While most films have shown Muslims as victims of racism in US, resulting from the 9/11 attacks, Issar finds his USP by singling out the Sikh community while highlighting them as the victimized. Certainly there were atrocities on Asians at large, but singling out Sikhs results to regionalism in itself and moreover ends up as a blatant case of exploiting cultural sentiments with commercial intentions.


9 Feb

Rooted in the bhakti movements that swept across North India during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Sikh religion appealed to the hard-working peasants. Guru Nanak Dev born in 1469 was the first Sikh guru. The Sikh khalsa (army of the pure) under tenth Guru – Guru Gobind Singh rose up against the economic and political repressions in Punjab toward the end of Aurangzeb’s rule. By the 1770s, Sikh hegemony extended from the Indus in the west to the Yamuna in the east, from Multan in the south to Jammu in the north. But the Sikhs were a loose, disunited, and quarrelsome conglomerate of twelve kin-groups. Ranjit Singh (1780-1839) became King of Punjab in In his kingdom Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims lived together in comparative equality and increasing prosperity. Ranjit Singh employed European officers and introduced strict military discipline into his army before expanding into Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Ladakh. British signed a peace treaty with him. His rule was called as the ‘golden period of Punjab’. After his death there was a power vacuum and infighting amongst the successors of Ranjit Singh. In 1846, the first Anglo-Sikh war commenced at Mudki where Sikh forces were defeated because of treachery of their generals. There after the British power became dominant in politics of Punjab and in 1849 after another Anglo-Sikh war Punjab was formally annexed to British Empire.

Punjab Heirarchy

9 Feb

Here is a the caste system Hierarchy in Sikhism

1. Khatri  a.k.a. Bhapa Sikhs ( all 10 Sikh gurus are from this caste)  They are Kings and Warriors by ancestry that took up military and business occupations in more recent times because the British would not let them fight wars because they were afraid the Khatris would overthrow the British Indian empire. Before that too the Muslims that ruled Punjab were also restricting Sikh Khatri’s to fight and be kings and warriors.  They are usually found in the cities of Punjab and are well educated and respectful beings ( unlike their Jatt Sikh counterparts).

2. Jatt . Even though everyone in the western world knows them as Truck Drivers and Taxi Drivers as well working at Liquor Stores for minimum wage, these guys think they are the highest caste in punjab. They dont even know that the Sikh Gurus were Khatri’s (called Bhapa’s by the JattS)..They may own some land in Punjab, but do not know how to read and write in most cases. They claim to be superior while driving a taxi in America. The are known for the arrogant behavior not to mention aggressive behavior (even the women). Our Sikh Gurus have been disappointed by this caste.

3. Ramgaria- They make houses

4. Saini- Educated but live in rural areas of Punjab. They are the more humble and more educated Jatts.

Show the Following Image to the Jatt Sikhs. Then tell him if they believe in caste they are Hindu.

M.Khanna of the best..

9 Feb

M. Singh Khanna comes from King and Warrior ancestor. As a Khatri he is a Warrior/King by ancestor, and a business man currently. He is good looking, and is well admired by many of his colleagues in San Jose State and at Google where he helped manage a team of employees who have gone on to win honorably mentions within the Google corporation. He comes from Guru Nanak and all the Sikh 10 Guru’s castes. As proud as he his, he strives to be humble ( but has failed in this attempt many times) ..some of  his friends Kumar and Mannu have supported him in all his endeavors  .. but none the less they are his support network in business and other life obligations.

Khanna Life

9 Feb

Khanna is a great an honorable city in Punjab. This is a list of large cities closest to Khanna, India. A big city usually has a population of at least 200,000 and you can often fly into a major airport. If you need to book a flight, search for the nearest airport to Khanna, India.
his is the information page for Khanna

Click the tab navigation above to view the information you require. These include:

Info (this page): Location maps and current weather condition maps.
9 Day Weather: Detailed forecast for Khanna updated 4 times daily.
Current Weather: near real time weather observations from nearby stations.
Photo Gallery: Images of Khanna uploaded by our users.
Webcam: view the latest Khanna webcam. You can also submit a better cam if you know one.
Weatherfinder: cold and wet in Khanna? Find the closest sunny / snowy / warmest place here!
Ski & Surf: detailed info from our other sites for outdoor sports enthusiasts.
Weather Maps: dynamic animated maps for regions or India.

Hello world!

9 Feb

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